“Do you want more sales? Market like an OnlyFans creator”​

Marv Chinedu (Digital Gladiator)
3 min readApr 14, 2022

Oftentimes, the reason people venture into various businesses is to resolve an existing problem of the masses. They set out to propose solutions to everyday problems encountered by humans or make better what is already in existence. This is usually a success if the product or service happens to save time, help conserve energy, help cut cost, or in some cases, entertain (click here to learn more about how products/services can be entertaining.) Asides from wanting to solve human problems, as a business owner, I am sure you want to make sales. I am talking about eight — nine-figure sales. But the big question of how to go about making massive sales remains.

If you want more sales, then you should market like it is an OnlyFans creator — A top-notch marketing strategy. It is important to note that you aren’t the only person offering the product/service you are rendering, and a lot of these people have been in business before you, and they spend prodigally on marketing. As a result of this, it isn’t only about how much you throw into advertising, it is way deeper than that. It is marketing smart as OnlyFans owners would do. I can tell that the question on your mind is ‘what do OnlyFans owners do?’ I’ll tell you!

OnlyFans stated that it pays out more than $200 million a month to creators. In 2021, they reached a company valuation of $1 billion. But what’s the marketing strategy that was used by its creators?

1. Word of the mouth marketing;

The actors of only fans way before they launch. They inform people around them that they are preparing to start an Onlyfans account. They prepare people’s minds for it.

How you can leverage this in your business is to first let the people around you know that you are on the path of launching a business.

2. Announcing on a social platform:

When I say announcing on social media, I am not referring to sending broadcast messages on WhatsApp or uploading infographics on Instagram and Facebook. Nah, I am talking about pre-launch teasers, announcing via pictures and videos. Yes at this stage spend 40% of your ads budget. Blow your trumpet to the world. Be John Baptist and announce the coming of something great!

3. Launch:

It might come as a shock that I mentioned launch when it has to do with a business already in existence. Launch in this sense isn’t referring to a start of a new business, I am talking about the launch of a service, a new product, a new offer. Over the years, I have had meetings with clients on brand strategy and their intent to launch a new service or offer, but they never follow through with it. Some as a result of fear or things such as ‘Mr. A is doing it already… and so what? Do not let fear hold you back. As a matter of fact, the only reason you are permitted not to launch that great idea of yours should be due to funds, of which this should be a temporary limitation. The fear of failure or what-ifs shouldn’t get in your way.

5. Guest creator

This happens to be my favourite highlight. I love how OnlyFans content creators feature on other people’s social platforms. This should be something you definitely should do for your business; collaborate! Reach out to blog owners that write content centered on your niche, and ask them for a shoutout. In SEO this is referred to as external linking. This is the second stage you should pull another 40% for an ad campaign. Hire an ads campaign manager.

Bonus Tips;

6. Spend your remaining 20% ads budget on influencer marketing. Influencer marketing is one of the most unlooked forms of advertising, and yet it has proven to be very effective. Just ensure the influencer you use does content related to your service/product. One thing you shouldn’t do is boss your influencer around, don’t do this at all. Try not to speak to them about the type of content you want them to do. Give them the room to get creative. In case you are wondering where to get the right influencer from, then visit ……..

Have you got a great plan but are having problems with execution? Then reach out to me today.

For more of this, follow me across my social platforms.

Instagram: @digital_gladiator @Marv_chinedu

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LinkedIn: @Marv Chinedu

Medium: Marv Chinedu

Email: Marvcmon@gmail.com



Marv Chinedu (Digital Gladiator)

Brand Strategist and coach on Personal Branding |Digital Strategist Marketer.