Marv Chinedu (Digital Gladiator)
3 min readApr 13, 2023


How To Be More Productive

The definition of productivity varies for different people. Well, for me, I define productivity as ticking 80% off the things on my to-do list. This didn’t happen overnight, I had to try several things before I got here, and I’m so excited to share them all with you.

  1. Do it like Granny’s shopping list:

I recall being much younger, and when I was to be sent on an errand, my granny would write out the things I should get on a piece of paper. I also remember my mom writing out the things she wants to buy on a piece of paper.

The traditional way of writing things on paper is a very good way to boost your productivity level. Yes, I know we have notes on our phones but trust me, going traditioner would help you 3x better. One can easily get distracted by messages or notification pop. Another reason why I so much love the traditional list is that I can outright see and keep track of whether I have done anything or am spending time on one task.

To do this, all you need is a stick-on note and a pen. In absence of a stick-on note, you can make use of jotters. You may also decide to take it to the next level like me by getting a white marker board.

2. Break down your task into atoms:

Every Sunday I write out the things I want to get done for the entire week. I first write them out on my marker board, then daily I break them further using my stick-on note. Here’s an example of how my task goes:

On the white marker board:

  • Make social media designs for the week
  • Read 4 chapters of Atomic Habit
  • Make two animated videos
  • Virtual meeting with Mr X

On the stick-on note:

  • Bath
  • Breakfast
  • Listen to Podcast in the shower — On purpose with Jay Shetty
  • Make two designs
  • Lunch
  • Read 10 pages before during lunch break and 10 pages before bed
  • Write script for the video
  • Setup and send meeting link to Mr X
  • Karate class

It’s important to state that I do the task on my to-do list randomly and just tick off the ones I have done.

3. Turn off distractions:

My number one distraction was my phone notification sound and pop-up messages. After I disabled the notification alert my productivity level boosted. The only notification alert I get is from Slack and my mail. Figure out what your distractions are and cut them off so you don’t keep losing precious time.

4. The devices you use in working is as important as the amount of time you spend working:

Oh boyyyyyyy! Let’s just say I suffered at the hands of my first work laptop. It was a Dell laptop, and I first must commend that it served its purpose but over time it started developing issues. The hard drive crashed, storage problem, the applications took a long time to open, and the laptop took a longer time to boot. It was a lot! I finally switched to a MacBook and I no longer have to wrestle with Windows. Ensure your devices aren’t slowing your work progress.

5. Discover Your Mood Booster:

Lastly, mood boosters are those things that leave you feeling energetic, leaves your head bursting with inspiration. For me my mood boosters are light. On my work desk I have a sunset lamp that has multiple colours. I also have Christmas lights hanging on my wall like rain drops. On my work desk you’d find things like; sculptures, scent candles, laptop extension stands, phone extension stands etc.

Please do share with me how you have been able to hack being productive.




Marv Chinedu (Digital Gladiator)

Brand Strategist and coach on Personal Branding |Digital Strategist Marketer.