I handed in my resignation letter without having a job lined up — Why I quit my job.

Marv Chinedu (Digital Gladiator)
1 min readApr 25, 2022

Irresponsible? Maybe! The truth is, I needed the break.

On the 12th of March, I handed in my resignation notice for the 31st of March. I had no job offer waiting for me outside. All I had was a clear mind of what I now wanted, a foreseeable future of what I needed.

There are two reasons why I think a person should remain with an organization; It’s either you are learning or earning, and as of then, I wasn’t doing either. Mind you, when I first started my job as the Head Social Media Manager at my former workplace, I had a lot to learn and my income was fair enough. But as time passed, I reached a Cul-de-sac (French for dead-end), my growth with the organization had hit its peak, I could no longer scale higher than where I was.

At this point, I knew I had a whole new world waiting for me out there, so I did what was necessary ‘quit the job.’ The major problem was I had no other job waiting for me outside, but my quest for more was all the fuel I needed.

So yeah, I’m currently available for hire. I seek a position as a Brand strategist (Company and personal branding) and Senior Digital Strategist Marketer. Kindly do well to recommend ☺️.

For now, I am using this period to recess, horn my skill, spend time with family and give myself some self-love ❤️



Marv Chinedu (Digital Gladiator)

Brand Strategist and coach on Personal Branding |Digital Strategist Marketer.