Why Advertising is the Bread and Butter of Marketing

Marv Chinedu (Digital Gladiator)
2 min readApr 24, 2023

If marketing is the feast, then advertising is the bread and butter that makes it all worthwhile. Without advertising, marketing is like a fancy meal without any flavor. In other words, it’s just plain bland.

But what makes advertising so important in the grand scheme of things? For starters, it’s the primary means of communicating with your target audience. It’s the art of persuasion at its finest, a craft that can make or break your brand.

Think about it: without advertising, how would you get the word out about your amazing new product or service? You could shout it from the rooftops, but that’s not exactly the most efficient approach. Advertising, on the other hand, can help you reach a larger audience in a more targeted and cost-effective way.

Plus, advertising is just plain fun. Who doesn’t love a clever ad that makes them laugh or inspires them to take action? Advertising is the perfect platform for creativity and innovation, allowing you to showcase your brand’s personality and unique value proposition.

But advertising isn’t just about creating memorable campaigns; it’s also about building trust and credibility with your audience. By consistently delivering high-quality, targeted ads, you can establish your brand as a trusted authority in your industry. Of course, advertising isn’t without its challenges. In a world where consumers are bombarded with countless ads every day, it can be tough to stand out from the crowd. But that’s where creativity and innovation come in. By crafting ads that truly resonate with your audience, you can cut through the noise and capture their attention.

So, why is advertising the bread and butter of marketing?

  1. Because it’s the perfect combination of creativity, strategy, and persuasion.
  2. It’s the vehicle that allows you to communicate with your audience, establish trust, and drive action.

So, let’s raise a toast to advertising — the unsung hero of marketing.



Marv Chinedu (Digital Gladiator)

Brand Strategist and coach on Personal Branding |Digital Strategist Marketer.